
The opportunity to conduct research as part of a faculty laboratory can be a defining 经验 of your undergraduate education.

Participation in research shows you real-world applications of classroom knowledge and skills, and provides invaluable 经验 whether you want to pursue a career in industry or go on to medical, 兽医, 或者研究生院.

你可以用不同的方式参与研究. 你可能会:

  • 作为研究课程或实习的一部分进行研究, 或者在业余时间参加非正式的教师研究.
  • 申请我们的暑期研究项目. 通常, about a dozen students each receive a stipend of to live on campus for 10 weeks while working with a specific Clark faculty member.
  • 申请 资金 to support your own research on a project of your choice during the academic year or during the summer.

通过与教师研究人员的合作, 你可以获得技能, 经验, 甚至在科学期刊上发表文章.

生物学本科研究      本科化学研究


在秋季节和, 在春天, 学术狂欢日, undergraduate students from throughout the university display and talk about their research and creative work.


  • Structural and Biochemical Characterization of HACE1: A HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Involved in Huntington’s Disease and Wilms’ Tumor. 戴安娜·阿吉尔斯·卡斯蒂略,' 19(赞助商:教授唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • Development of an Organic 化学 Lab: Analysis of Fatty Acids Composition in Cooking Oils Through LC/MS. Luke Barrows, ' 19(赞助商:Charles Jakobsche教授)
  • HECT E3泛素连接酶的结构与生化分析, HECW2, 及其对早衰症的影响. 贾斯汀·波尔,' 19(赞助商:唐纳德·斯普拉特教授)
  • KRasB的表达和纯化. 迪伦·吉莱斯皮,' 19(赞助商:教授
  • Structural and functional studies of the HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase E6AP reveal a possible mechanism for the neurodevelopmental disorder Angelman Syndrome. 克洛伊·凯勒姆,19岁(赞助商:唐纳德·斯普拉特教授)
  • Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase AREL1 and its Implications in Apoptosis. 艾米丽·拉达,19岁(赞助人:唐纳德·斯普拉特教授)
  • Analyzing Aggregation Properties Across A Family of Amyloid Fibril Binding Small Molecules Anh-Vy Le, 20年(发起人:Charles Jakobsche教授)
  • Kinetics of IDE-Dependent Degradation of Insulin in the Presence of Polyphenols. Bethany Lee, ’20, Lili Wurfl, ’19, Saadman Islam, ’19 (sponsor: Professor Noel Lazo)
  • Biochemical and Structural Examination of HERC4 – a HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase that Controls Spermatogenesis, 癌症转移, 和器官大小. Young Sun Lee, 19岁(赞助人:Donald Spratt教授)
  • Biophysical Analysis of Antp and Ubx 首页odomain Transcription Factor-DNA Binding Affinity. Jeanmarie W. Loss, 赞助人:Donald Spratt教授, 罗伯特·德威尔教授, Jacqueline Dresch教授)
  • 泛素E3连接酶(hecd1)及其疾病相关性的生物物理研究. Misa Mai, ' 19(赞助商:Donald Spratt教授.
  • A Tale of a Tail: Structural and Functional Studies of HERC2 C-Lobe with Implications in Breast Cancer. 凯拉·里奇,' 19(赞助商:教授唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • Biophysical Analysis of AbdA and AbdB 首页odomain Transcription Factor-DNA Binding Affinity. 古斯塔夫森说西蒙斯, 赞助人:Donald Spratt教授, 罗伯特·德威尔教授, Jacqueline Dresch教授)
  • HECT E3泛素连接酶HUWE1的生物化学及机制研究. Noor Alzuhairy ' 17(赞助商:Donald Spratt教授)- LEEP项目
  • HECT E3泛素连接酶的表征. Vladislav Kiveliyk ' 17(赞助商:Donald Spratt教授)
  • HERC2的生化特性, HECT E3连接酶与乳腺癌和Prader-Willi综合征有关. Noah Schwaegerle ' 17(赞助商:Donald Spratt教授)
  • 模型膜存在下螺旋-偶极效应对淀粉样蛋白形成的影响. 塞内加尔Carty ' 17(与郑秋晨合作), graduate student; Sponsor: Professor Noel Lazo).
  • TRIP12的生化特性, HECT E3泛素连接酶与自闭症谱系障碍有关. 亚历山德拉·布朗' 17(赞助商:唐纳德·斯普拉特教授)
  • HACE1的生物化学及机制. Janel Gardner ' 17(与Yaya Wang合作) & Steven Beasley, graduate students; Sponsor: Professor Donald Spratt)
  • HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase WWP1: a major player in cellular signaling pathways and diseases. emily Ogisu ' 17(赞助商:Donald Spratt教授)
  • 荧光标记的非病毒DNA传递载体. Alva Tan ' 17 & Sharon Chieng ' 17(赞助:Sergio Granados-Focil教授)
  • 一种与乳腺癌相关的泛素连接酶. 安德烈斯·托雷斯' 17(赞助商:唐纳德·斯普拉特教授)
  • Structure-based identification of C-terminal Binding Protein inhibitors from the Zinc-database compound library. Antony Gruness ‘17 (in collaboration with UMass Medical School; Sponsor: Professor David Thurlow)
  • 表征AREL1以了解癌细胞的凋亡抗性. Pinky Htun ' 17(赞助商:Donald Spratt教授)
  • Biochemical Characterization of HECT E3-Ubiquitin Ligase Itch and its Implications in Cancer. Roela Bardhi ' 17(赞助商:Donald Spratt教授)
  • Studies to Better Understand the Structure and Mechanism of Smurf1, a HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase. 劳拉·普罗斯特曼' 17(赞助商:唐纳德·斯普拉特教授)


If you excel in our undergraduate research program, you may qualify for Clark’s Accelerated B.A./M.S. 生物化学和分子生物学课程. This program allows you to continue your undergraduate research during the fifth year and culminates in a written thesis and public presentation and defense.

  • 安妮·库拉特·乌尔-艾因18, ma ' 19、BCMB 5th 一年计划, “Development of Novel Copper-Peptide Complexes for Water Oxidation” -预计12月毕业
  • 迈可尔T. Kebede的18, ma ' 19、BCMB 5th 年度计划:“ide依赖性胰岛素降解的决定因素”
  • Noah Schwaegerle, 17岁, ma ' 18、BCMB 5th 一年计划, “Biochemical and Structural Characterization of the Large HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase HERC2”
  • 17届,18届、BCMB 5th 一年计划, “Connections Between Protein Misfolding and Monobenzone – Induced Vitiligo”
  • Thanaphorn Suk-in 16年,MA 17年、BCMB 5th 一年计划, “Functionalization of liner poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) as DNA-binding polymer for Gene therapy applications”
  • 王林树,马' 16, BCMB硕士研究生, “Towards Hydrazine-Functionalized Peptides as Potential Lysyl Oxidase Inhibitors and a 4-Step Amine to Alcohol Conversion via N-Nitrosoamides”
  • Rhady Sorm ' 14, MA ' 15、BCMB 5th 一年计划, “Biophysical Effects of Polyphenols on Model-Membrane-Mediated Aβ42 Self-Assembly”


The 生物化学与分子生物学 (BCMB) Program offers students who are conducting research the opportunity to present their research publicly in the form of a written thesis and public oral presentation. The work is evaluated by the BCMB faculty and students are recognized with the award of honors, 优异的成绩, 或者最高荣誉, 包括在学生正式成绩单上的成绩.

大多数学生在大三下学期开始荣誉工作, 这种情况会持续到他们的高三.  Thesis submission and the public presentation occur 在春天 of the student’s senior year.


  • 艾米丽·拉达19岁, BCMB(顾问:唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • 凯拉·里奇,19岁, BCMB(顾问:唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • 莱利·西蒙斯19岁, BCMB(顾问:唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • 戴安娜·阿吉尔斯·卡斯蒂略18岁, BCMB, “Biochemical Characterization of the HECT E3 Ubiquitin Ligase HACE1 (HECT domain and Ankyrin repeat-Containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1) and its Implications in Cancer and Huntington’s Disease” (adviser: Donald Spratt)
  • Jordan Majka, 18岁, BCMB, “The Effects of Atrial Fibrillation on Relative Epicardial Fat Area and MicroRNA Expression: Investigating Robust Biomarkers and Their Implications in an Arrhythmia Disorder”
  • Roela Bardhi, 17岁, BCMB(顾问:唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • 德文·方丹,17岁, 化学, “Synthesis and Characterization of a Multifunctional Amyloid-Binding Molecule” (adviser: Charles Jakobsche)
  • Pinky Htun ' 17, BCMB(顾问:唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • Vladislav Kiveliyk ' 17, BCMB(顾问:唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • 克莱尔·卡拉辛斯基,17岁, BCMB(顾问:诺埃尔·拉佐)
  • Alistair Richardson ' 17, BCMB(顾问:Sergio Granados-Focil)
  • Noah Schwaegerle, 17岁, BCMB(顾问:唐纳德·斯普拉特)
  • 阿什利·伯克16岁, BCMB, “Inhibition Studies of Lysyl Oxidase and Other Amine Oxidases with Hydrazine Containing Small Molecules and a Molecular Probe” (adviser: Charles Jakobsche)










  • Arthur M. 萨克勒科学中心

  • 1-508-793-7116